The Alpha Omega Epsilon prospective new chapter at San Diego State University was initiated on February 9, 2009. Beginning with eight original Alpha class members, the new chapter remained a small group of young women. With determination and perseverance the Beta Gamma Chapter was installed in the Fall of 2011 on December 3rd. The founding members spanned from Alpha class to Theta class, 19 in total. It has grown significantly in the last few years with the same ideals and objectives that sparked the desire to create a chapter. San Diego State University has also welcomed Alpha Omega Epsilon's brother fraternity, Sigma Phi Delta to their campus. A.O.E. and S.P.D. do many joint events throughout the year and continue to help one another grow.
Founder's List Alpha (Spring 2009): Amanda Pascoe - Mechanical Engineering Bita Mohammady - Mechanical Engineering Dana Henry - Construction Engineering Emily Graham - Mechanical Engineering Amber Suerto - Computer Science Beta (Spring 2009): Stephanie Archibald - Chemistry Gamma (Fall 2009): M. Taschia Nicole Sabay - Civil Engineering Epsilon (Fall 2010): Lauren Canfield - Biology Jennifer Wood - Aerospace Engineering Genoveva Romero-Marquez - Civil Engineering Zeta (Spring 2011): Julia Calish - Mechanical Engineering Eta (Fall 2011): Vanessa Bundy - Mechanical Engineering Cody Alcantar - Mechanical Engineering Karen Casteloes - Environmental Engineering Dayna de Guzman - Civil Engineering Jordan See - Environmental Engineering Dominique Navarro - Civil Engineering Theta (Fall 2011): Meganne Harvey - Environmental Engineering JenniferJill Kabiling - Civil Engineering
Sorority History
Alpha Omega Epsilon is a professional and social sorority composed of women who have majored in S.T.E.M. The Sorority was founded on November 13, 1983, making Alpha Omega Epsilon the oldest engineering sorority. Four months later, on March 22, 1984, Alpha Omega Epsilon became a recognized organization on the Marquette University Campus. Initially founded to unite women engineers of all curricula, the Organization's mission has since expanded to include women in both engineering and technical sciences as well as all other majors. The Sorority's mission, ideals, and objectives have spread to other campuses, and as a result, we now have twenty-six active chapters; and three additional colonies.
The Sisters of Alpha Omega Epsilon promote ideals and objectives that hope to further the advancement of women in S.T.E.M., while at the same time developing bonds of lifelong friendships. Alpha Omega Epsilon strives for scholarship and academic achievement. The sisters create a friendly, warm atmosphere where integrity, character, and self-confidence can flourish. The Sorority hopes to enlighten women in S.T.E.M. on the career opportunities available to them. Alpha Omega Epsilon encourages ties with other Greek and Engineering Organizations, fosters leadership at the Chapter and International level, and provides networking opportunities for its members. As a young organization, Alpha Omega Epsilon allows each member to play a significant part in realizing the Sorority's future goals.